
Welcome to the blog of the CheesyHyperIntelligentChildishKrispySushi also known as CHICKS XD

Faddy's xbox360 gamercard

Faddy & Wendy's currently listening to..

Sunday, November 25, 2007


Nah I blog.

I officially have purple hair =D! And we are currently waiting for Nad to finish all of our character potraits so that we can upload them~ Sorry lo, we've been away cause kan, people busy baah :D then big boss got mad so here I am being THE LOYAL ONE who would stay up this late just to wait for blogger to finish loading so that I can start blogging (hey it rhymes!) and like, update this empty spot.

ANYWAYS. I don't have to go to school anymore :D Cause my mom's lazy and also cause there's nothing else to be done in school anway, besides all the Risk-ing and Monopoly-ing and Pokemon-ing and PSP-ing and Music-ing and Gossip-ing and Jenga-ing and Boogle-ing and GameBoy-ing and whatnot other crap, many of which I watched others do :D

And I shall fall asleep soon. Oh and one of the CHICKS' birthday is coming soon in about,16 days! Can you guess who? (: *hinthint* Chocolate monkey!

I am still in countdown mode. Although this year EVERYONE actually forgot about my birthday and I had to remind them several 1000X times then they'll go all "Oh your birthday's coming up?"-ish on me. Oh no, its okay. I'm not asking for pity or anything. Its just that people treat me as if I am nothing in this world. That I never exist~ *SMACK* okay enough self-pity.

Chocolate monkey has taken up a new interest in a different kind of lip-smacking treat-eating what not crap with a "-" in each phrase: CHEEEESSEEEEEEEE!!!

Though I have been liking cheese since I was young, my fondness for cheese grew even more after I accidentally added a whole bottle of cheese sprinkles on my spaghetti once,and yet ate them all and cleaned the plate :D Now I'm addicted to PASTA! with CHEESE!

See that you get me some pasta with cheese on anyday that you can get your hands on to will ya (: over and out!

Wenedy with a VERY great Boo-Boo.

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