
Welcome to the blog of the CheesyHyperIntelligentChildishKrispySushi also known as CHICKS XD

Faddy's xbox360 gamercard

Faddy & Wendy's currently listening to..

Monday, November 5, 2007

Wth!? Blog's dead and it's not even 1 day old?! LOL XD

Nah I'm just kidding..it's not dead..yet~ LOL Anywayy today school was alright, got a few papers back and damn did I get owned by Dmaths so badly T_T

A few of the councillors, including yours truly(ehseh apakan LOL), stayed back to help with the teachers' day sign thingy, it looks quite cool and we're unveiling it tomorrow, I know a few teachers have already seen it and maybe some students too, but what the heck XD

Oh and I've been told that I need help. Do I? of course not! I was just using my bendy ruler as a tiara on my head >.> and sesame street has been brought to you by the number 8. LOL

Okay maybe I do need help...wait no! Those are lies! ShutuP!! LALALALALALALLALA *hugs teddy bear* You're all the ones that need help!!! I'm perfectly fine! WOOLOOLOOLOOLOOLOO!! *pulls magic conch shell string thingy*

"You need..help.."


Faddy out

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